Charsindur Bazar চরসিন্দুর বাজার is one of the very old village markets located in Palash, Narsingdi, Bangladesh. It's a marketplace where almost all the facilities are available.
You'll find all the commodities you required, presented there. Especially recommended for the wholesale Banana market in the morning. This Bazar is also very famous for local fruits and vegetables.
There are fruit shops, shopping places, shoes, dresses and electronic things are very much available. It is enough for the people who are living around. It is a big place.
Chardindur is a encient Bazar & Trading Centre of various products like Bananas, Cattle, poultry & so on. This place is very famous in Shibpur, Palash above all in Narsingdi District. This place is the Market of my village also.
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