This Bazar is most important for all persons. It is situated in Kishoreganj District on Pakundia.Here comes many fishes from Itna, Mitamoin, Austagram and Nikli. Here is also comes Mongolbaria famous Lichi. One time here was Kalia Chapra Cenecol. Now here is Nitol Tata Industries. It is called Kishoreganj Economic Zone.
It is mainly Village Bazar. so many village people come to buy or sell. Really the Bazar is cheap for visitor so many visitors come here every day. For positional reason many item are present here. At least all people can gainer in the Bazar.
For village market We can see pure goods and products. Thus in cheap rate every person can buy pure product.
It is situated Beside Kishoreganj,Pakundia and Katiadi.
From Gulistan, Direct Bus Jatayat or Ananna Super go via Voyrob and from Mohakhali Ujan Vati bus go via Gazipur Kapasia and tok to Pulerghat Bazar
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